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SPLASH 2022 Conference

Watch for the ACM Demographics link on your registration confirmation. Independent of the registration process, ACM is anonymously collecting demographic information that will help us to understand where ACM stands in terms of diversity and to identify areas that require improvement. Please choose to participate.

To Register and pay (if necessary):   
To update a previous registration:

Registering Groups

If your organization wants to register a group of people and make a single payment, here is the procedure:

1) Have each individual register and select the “Pay Later” option (or have someone from your organization register them.)

2) Send a list of the registered people to registration@regmaster.com, together with the contact information of the person who will be making payment. Use this subject for the email: “Group Registration for SPLASH 22 conference”.

We will set up a corporate account and notify the contact person how to access that account and pay the total balance due.

Thanks for using our online registration system.